Feb 12, 2024
As we've been discussing recently, homelessness in the U.S. is still on the rise. In fact, rates have been climbing nationally by about 6% every year since 2017, according to the National Alliance to End Homelessness.
That uptick coincides with soaring housing costs and rising prices for necessities like food and transportation.
As we work to chip away at the homelessness crisis, one of the often overlooked components is data collection. Collecting the right data is critical in helping us understand the issue and deploy our resources more efficiently.
Quality data, of course, enables communities to tailor solutions to people’s specific needs so they can exit homelessness.
To help us better understand the importance of data and the complexities surrounding homelessness on a national scale, Steve Berg, chief policy officer at the National Alliance to End Homelessness is on the show today. Steve is an expert in the field of homelessness and housing policy. He has dedicated much of his career to advocating for effective policies and strategies to address homelessness in the U.S. And he’s written extensively on various ways addressing the primary need for housing for people experiencing homelessness leads to stability and better health.
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